
Five Types Of Lip Surgeries And Which One Is The Most Popular

Five Types Of Lip Surgeries And Which One Is The Most Popular

In order to enhance their facial and physical appearance, many people are opting for lip surgeries. Not only women but also people from all genders are getting lip fillers and other cosmetic treatments done in order to look young and beautiful. Now, anything that makes one feel beautiful is a good decision, provided that one takes proper precautions and fetches all the details about any surgery before actually getting it done. The most popular option that people seem to be opting for is the wing horn chestnut-shaped lip (ทําปากปีกนก, which is the term in Thai.) In this list, we are going to discuss in detail the five most popular types of lip surgeries.

· Lip Reduction Treatment

It is the standard procedure of reducing the size of a person’s upper or lower lip. It has been around for many years, and the process does not last more than an hour or two. The treatment is performed after injecting the patient with local anesthesia.

· Lip Treatment For Horn Chestnut Lips

The wing horn chestnut-shaped lip is a popular shape nowadays. Inspired by most Asian actors and actresses, including South Korean actors and k-pop idols, this lip treatment is trending everywhere in the world.

· Lip Surgery For Cupid’s Bow Enhancement

The cupid’s bow is the central part of the upper lip which is shaped like a bow. It is V-shaped. Lip surgery is performed so that the bow can be lifted and made more prominent in order to make the lips more pretty.

· Lip Treatment For Lifting The Corner Lip

In this surgery, the corner part of the upper lip or lower lip is lifted in order to give a more smiling appearance and enhance the facial features of a person. It makes a face look more pleasant.

· Lip Treatment For Lifting The Upper Lift

This treatment is done specifically for lifting the upper lip to make it seem more prominent. People who have a dip in their smile tend to opt for this surgery. All of the surgeries stated above are performed after injecting anesthesia.


While the wing horn chestnut-shaped lip is trendy amongst people these days, other lip surgeries that are also prominently performed are listed in this article. These surgeries aren’t a compulsion for anyone, and we deserve to feel beautiful in our own bodies. But if you want surgery for yourself, if it will make you feel better, we are here to help you with that.

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